What people are saying.

  • Janice Emmott Artist

    Ben Sad worked with myself and my co-exhibitor Jane Furst on setting up and documenting our exhibition Niches (16-18 October 2020, Burham, Kent). He brought along a flexible range of practical, technical, and photographic skills. He was very helpful with every aspect of the set-up and it was a pleasure working with him.

    Ben took many striking and beautiful photos some of which enabled me to see our own exhibition in a fresh light. He was very interested in the set-up processes and in all the people involved in them, and his work is a fantastic record of this exhibition, done with great sensitivity and flair.

  • Melody Owen KS3-5 Secondary School Teacher

    I am thrilled to share my heartfelt recommendation for Ben, a truly remarkable individual whose dedication, creativity, and passion for helping and guiding people shines through in everything he does.

    I had the pleasure of observing one of Ben’s mini workshops, and I was immediately impressed by his enthusiasm and energy. From the moment the workshop began, it was clear that Ben had poured hi heart and soul into creating an engaging and interactive learning experience for all participants.

    What sets Ben apart is his unwavering commitment to excellence and his innate ability to infuse fun and creativity into every aspect of his teaching. Throughout the workshop, Ben effortlessly captivated the students with his dynamic teaching style, incorporating hands-on activities, visual aids, and real-life examples to bring the material to life.

    But beyond his impressive teaching abilities, Ben is also a genuinely warm and approachable individual who goes above and beyond to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued. His infectious enthusiasm and positive attitude create a supportive learning environment where participants feel encouraged to ask questions, share ideas, and explore their creativity.

    In addition to their professional expertise, Ben brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table with links from previous jobs and personal interests. His unique insights and perspectives add depth and richness to the learning experience, inspiring participants to think outside the box and approach challenges with creativity and innovation.

    In conclusion, I recommend Ben to anyone seeking a talented, hardworking, and fun-loving individual to lead workshops or educational events. Whether you're looking to learn a new skill, spark your creativity, or simply have a great time, Ben is the perfect choice to guide you on your journey.

    Thank you, Ben, for your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. You truly are a shining star in the world of education and beyond.

It was a pleasure collaborating with Ben and St.John Fisher on the ME, MYSELF & MEDWAY installation. He ensured the artwork was delivered on time and in a professional manner. His genuine enthusiasm for each piece shows a clear commitment to fostering creativity among staff and students. Looking forward to future collaborations.

Rachel Moore
MedwayArtBox by Nucleus Arts